Friday, 16 June 2017

Entity Object 1

Entity Object:

An Entity Object provides an Object Oriented representation of a row of a Database Table or a View.
It exposes access methods for its attributes that correspond to a table or view to access and manipulate the data. Attributes are simply the field or column of a table or a view. The ADF business components base class that implements the default entity behavior is EntityImpl.

<Entity> Impl

The Entity Implementation class (EntityImpl) class allows developer to expose typed attribute setter and getter methods , create attribute validations methods, access child collection in a master detail relation , retrieve the entity object key or modify the entity create and DML behavior.

<Entity> DefImpl

This class exposes methods to create new entity instances, find existinf entity instances and access entity properties.

Lets show an example:

Here EmployeeId is the primary key and it has a custom property CreateSequence which refers to database sequence EMPLOYEE_SEQ. If we intent to work with this property than <Entity>Impl may have following procedure to follow:

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