Case Study: Card Shuffling and Dealing Simulation
The elements of an array can be either primitive types or reference types. This example uses random-number generation and an array of reference type elements, namely objects representing playing cards, to develop a class that simulates card shuffling and dealing. This class can then be used to implement applications that play specific card games.
I first develop class Card , which represents a playing card that has a face
(e.g., "Ace", "Deuce", "Three", …, "Jack", "Queen", "King") and a suit (e.g., "Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades"). Next, I develop the DeckOfCards class, which creates a deck of 52 playing cards in which each element is a Card object. I then build a test application that demonstrates class DeckOfCards’s card shuffling and dealing capabilities.
Jack of Clubs Nine of Hearts Jack of Hearts Nine of Diamond
Six of Clubs Seven of Diamond Queen of Diamond Eight of Spades
Queen of Clubs Ace of Hearts Five of Clubs King of Hearts
Eight of Clubs Eight of Diamond Ten of Diamond King of Clubs
Jack of Diamond Queen of Spades Four of Clubs Five of Hearts
Jack of Spades Seven of Hearts Three of Clubs Four of Spades
Ace of Clubs Five of Spades Ten of Clubs Ace of Spades
King of Spades Six of Diamond King of Diamond Nine of Clubs
Deuce of Spades Six of Hearts Six of Spades Ten of Spades
Deuce of Diamond Queen of Hearts Three of Diamond Deuce of Clubs
Three of Spades Seven of Spades Four of Diamond Three of Hearts
Seven of Clubs Ten of Hearts Five of Diamond Eight of Hearts
Ace of Diamond Four of Hearts Deuce of Hearts Nine of Spades
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